This is a new research project on the historical development of Taoism and other religious traditions in western Hunan 湖南 (Xiangxi 湘西) during the modern era, including the ways in which they have changed over time and their role in processes of identity formation among of this region’s various ethnic groups, including the Miao 苗 (Hmong), Han, and Tujia 土家. During the past two decades, I have undertaken extensive research on the interaction between Taoism and local communities, but my previous work has focused on Zhejiang 浙江 and Taiwan. It would be a challenge to start a totally new project, but the results have the potential to be highly rewarding, especially in terms of elucidating the interaction between Han and non-Han religious cultures. Taoism played a crucial role in the formation of this area’s diverse ethnic identities, but not merely in the sense of the adoption of an exogenous religious culture. Instead, the religious history of western Hunan seems to have been marked by a form of reverberation between many different cultures.
My research will focus on two main questions. First, I will attempt to modify the analytical framework of Michel Strickmann, who in his classic article “The Tao among the Yao” (which serves as a basis for this project’s title), asked the question of whether non-Han peoples have preserved earlier forms of Taoism known to have been practiced by Han Chinese but not existing among them anymore. In contrast, this project places greater emphasis on the ways in which Taoism and other religious traditions of western Hunan have shaped the interaction between Han and non-Han cultures and contributed to the formation of various ethnic identities. At the same time, inasmuch as I am a social historian of modern China, my other interest would be in exploring the problem of change since the 1930s, including which religious traditions have been transformed and why, which have persisted relatively unchanged, and what all this reveals about the development of religion in modern China.
The first two years of my project will feature an interdisciplinary approach focusing on specific beliefs and rituals in a narrowly defined area of western Hunan. During the remaining three years, the project would expand to encompass similar rituals in nearby areas. The project will begin by focusing on a sequence of rituals collectively referred to as “Repaying a Nuo Vow” (Huan Nuoyuan 還儺願), which features the blending of Miao and Han traditions. The Huan Nuoyuan ritual provides an ideal opportunity to observe the ways in which Taoism has influenced the interaction between Han and Miao religious cultures. On the one hand, it is performed by religious specialists who use Taoist texts that are recited in Chinese; on the other hand, the objects of these rituals, Lord and Lady Nuo (Nuogong 儺公and Nuomu 儺母), are Miao deities.
I will attempt to publish the results of this research on two levels: individual and collaborative. In terms of individual results, inasmuch as this is a new project, I anticipate that it would take between one and two years before sufficient data could be collected to start writing, yet I am aiming for the completion of three articles and a book manuscript by the end of the grant period. Collaborative results would be in then form of a jointly edited volume containing the essays of local scholars and experts.