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日期: 2024/06/28
時間: 15:00~17:00
地點: 檔案館第二會議室
主持人: 陳冠任教授(近史所助研究員)
主講人:Prof. Elizabeth O’Brien Ingleson (Assistant Professor of International History at the London School of Economics and Political Science)
主辦單位: 蔣介石研究群
協辦單位: 胡適研究群
※ 英文演講,中英問答。 Abstract: Made in China asks how and when China, the world’s largest communist nation, converged with global capitalism. Most scholars point to Deng Xiaoping and the reform and opening he implemented in the 1980s. But Elizabeth O’Brien Ingleson shows that it was in the latter years of Mao’s rule that China’s convergence with capitalism began. From the early 1970s, when the United States and China re-opened trade, the interests of US capitalists and the Chinese state gradually aligned: at the expense of US labor and aided by US diplomats. Far from inevitable, she argues, China’s convergence with global capitalism hinged upon a fundamental reconfiguration of the very meaning of trade. For centuries, businesspeople had seen in China the promise of “400 million customers”: to them China trade meant expanding exports. In the 1970s, US and Chinese traders together reframed the China market itself: to a new promise of outsourced manufacturing and 800 million workers. Elizabeth Ingleson specialises in the histories of US foreign relations, US-China relations, capitalism, and labor. She is the author of Made in China: When US-China Interests Converged to Transform Global Trade (Harvard University Press). Ingleson has published several articles and chapters on US-China relations and US capitalism and is currently writing a book under contract with Bloomsbury Academic, China and the United States since 1949: An International History.