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日期: 2024/07/09
時間: 14:00~16:00
地點: 檔案館第三會議室
主講人:克禮Macabe Keliher教授(Associate Professor, Southern Methodist University)
主辦單位: 蔣介石研究群
※中文演講、中英問答 Abstract: In 1965 Taiwan set up a secret economic warfare unit inside the executive branch. For over two decades this unit worked to undermine China’s economy and obstruct its overseas trade through covert operations in Hong Kong. This talk draws on meeting notes and secret reports to outline the actions and operations of the unit, examining the front companies in Hong Kong and how the unit strategized to create markets, provide credit, court overseas Chinese business, and spread anti-China propaganda. The talk argues that the economic warfare waged by Taiwan led to a transformation of the Hong Kong economy by supplying machinery and helping develop manufacturing capacity. Contrary to existing interpretations of Hong Kong economic development focused on markets or limited domestic inputs, this talk argues that regional non-market inputs played a key role. Macabe Keliher is associate professor of History at Southern Methodist University and author of the award winning book, The Board of Rites and the Making of Qing China. His current research examines industrialization and economic transformation in postwar China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.