首頁 > 布告欄 > 學術活動
日期: 2024/08/01
時間: 15:00~17:00
地點: 檔案館第三會議室
主持人: 連玲玲教授(中研院近史所研究員兼副所長)
主講人:宋夏蓮Doris Sung教授(阿拉巴馬大學藝術史助理教授)
主辦單位: 婦女與性別史研究群
Abstract: Embroidery was the quintessential form of womanly work (nügong) in imperial China for centuries. This lecture focuses on Shen Shou (1874–1921), an innovative embroiderer from Suzhou who set new standards for the practice with new subject matter and techniques and helped to elevate its artistic and commercial values in the early twentieth century. Her works, which combined elements from Japanese embroidery, Western painting, and photography, were frequently shown at international expositions. Through examining her practice and her role as an educator, this lecture demonstrates how Shen endowed the traditional practice with new relevance and agency and redefined how womanly work contributed to cultural diplomacy and gender relations in the national and global spheres.