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Expanding the Feminine/National Imaginary: Social and Martial Heroines in Late Qing Women’s Journals
Educators and Writers: The Two Faces of Early Twentieth-Century Literary Women
Love, Marriage and Politics in Modern Chinese Women’s Autobiographical Writings
Legends and Narratives: the Revolutionary Displaying and Life Fluctuation in the Left Women’s Memoirs (1920s-1950s)
Women’s “Place” and “Ethics” – on the (Im) Possibility of a “Global Feminism”
Alternative Discourse —— A brief account of WuQIJing
A Girl Student’s Emotion Life in Her Diary, 1931-1934
The Last Flowering of China’s “Talented Women
Shanghai Love: Courtesans, Intellectuals, and Entertainment Culture
Shaping Up the “Public Sphere” in Modern China Yuehtsen