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Date: 2024/04/15
Time: 14:00~16:00
Venue: Webex Meetings
Host: 賴毓芝教授(中研院近史所副研究員)
Organizer: Secretariat
Webex Meetings: https://asmeet.webex.com/asmeet/j.php?MTID=m4d22c83eeea31b79bb9975b21a00eec7 Abstract: This book delves into King Jeongjo's approach to court painting during the 18th century Joseon Dynasty. Unlike the Qing Emperor Qianlong, who specifically ordered themes and media of artworks found in the records of the Imperial Household (清宮內務府造辦處檔案), direct mentions of the king's involvement in painting are scarce in Joseon records, likely due to Confucian disapproval of royal indulgence in the arts. However, Jeongjo successfully managed to strengthen his influence over court painting without drawing criticism. This book aims to emphasize Jeongjo's indirect yet effective exercise of agency in court painting. It examines four key areas: the academy system of court painters, portraits of the king and his subjects, paintings of historical sites, and documentary paintings of court ceremonies, each shedding light on different aspects of his strategies towards painting. In this book talk, I will provide a brief overview of the book and focus specifically on two genres, portraits, and paintings of historical sites, as illustrative examples.