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日期: 2023/11/27
時間: 15:00~17:00
地點: 檔案館第三會議室
主辦單位: 蔣介石研究群
備註:本回演講有現場翻譯 摘要: This presentation examines whether “Treaty of Peace with Japan” has contributes to peacebuilding in postwar Japan and neighboring countries. In particular, it focuses on reviewing the concepts and processes of concluding of two Peace Treaties with Japan enforced in April 1952: “Treaty of Peace with Japan” and “Treaty of Peace between Japan and the Republic of China (ROC).” On the basis of declassified archives which created in the United States, Japan, Korea, and ROC, the presentation will clarify Japan's legal interpretations and foreign policies regarding the sovereignties over Korea and China after Japan defeated the War. The Peace Treaty with Japan has influenced as the basic principle on the negotiations to normalize diplomatic relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) (1952-1965), and the ones between Japan Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) (1990s, 2000s, thereafter suspended). Considering the limitations of international legal orders in peacebuilding, the possibilities of efforts toward reconciliation will be also proposed. This presentation is part of the presenter’s book which will be published in December 2023 by Korea University Press with the publication grants by Harvard-Yenching Institute.